Tuesday, May 14, 2019

190509 piano fitness' postural fundamentals

piano fitness includes all postural fundamentals

Hip Zone:

Stable Creativity
  pelvic floor connects abdominal walls 20% for core stability

Heart Zone:
  Creative Powerful Hearts deliver and receive through hands at sternoclavicular joints

Head Zone
  Intuitive Truth of Infinite Awareness within the Mind 

Performance is Musical Meditation
  In the present moment
Piano Performance 
  The Human Machine connects to the most complex Human Powered Machine to create Music

Music is Sound in Motion

190514 celebrating mindful breathing

piano fitness is celebration !

with pfpf in place, enjoy the progress forward.  the mind expanding infinite awareness to include more is the reason for celebrating.  changes are being observed daily.

mindful breathing

4 sided breath up front and down back spine
4 counts each side

up counts inhale/hold:
1 - stable creativity includes 3 balances
2 - powerful heart includes fingers aware of 4 sweet spots in keys
3- intuitive truth actives
4- infinite awareness

down counts exhale/hold:
1-activated awareness delivers weight to front spine
2-head and cervical spine forward of plumb line
3-heart includes arm and shoulder weight delivered to front thoracic spine behind plumb line
4-hips includes plumb lined lumbar spine and core engagement


piano fitness is silent piano awareness

the feeling of playing is obscured by the sound

balancing the use of all bones and the muscles that move the bones.

the crossover syndrome for left hip and right shoulder improves by including both at the same time.
activated awareness continuously increases.