Wednesday, May 29, 2019

190529 #1 piano fitness' hip zone

at the perineum the 4 layers of abdominals meet.   these muscles in the pelvic floor lengthen and shorten (the 2 properties of muscles).  breathing in  lengthens the muscles as they drop down and spread the sitz bones apart. breathing out shortens the muscles as they lift up.  observing softness in the perineum throughout the full breath cycle,  the stability sec initiates the bottom to top balance of the hips on the bench - their connection to the earth.  breathing into the hips fully will lengthen all the abdominal layers in all directions from pelvic floor to below the ribs. 

observing just below the navel, the 4th deepest abdominal layer, the transverse, opening and closing like an elevator door.  "hip" breathing with the abdominals activates the creativity sec and establishes core support necessary for receiving the delivered weight of the entire spine. now at the sitz bones, include front/back and side/side balances in the hips for 3-way balance awareness.  this is lower body strength engaging about 20% energy.

stable creativity is activated as the hip zone balances all three ways through the sitz bones.