Saturday, December 19, 2020

201219 piano fitness is fun

 feeling the heart engine orchestrate the arms to conduct the music is fun.

Friday, December 4, 2020

201204 piano fitness is resistance training

 large and small muscle weight training.  learning to feel the fingerprint bullseye better every day with intended delivery.

Monday, November 30, 2020

201130 piano fitness is starting fresh

 changing your mind becomes habit but maintaining a fresh outlook is resistance training.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020


 piano fitness is natural technic

nature's way is always the most efficient way.

piano fitness is efficient technic.

Friday, November 20, 2020


 piano fitness overcomes resistance.

the pianist's life is learning to overcome resistance of the key to communicate feelings.  sound connects the mind to the body in the present moment.  resistance to this present moment mind/body connection of communication is the continuous challenge as is the allure of the pursuit. 


piano fitness is tenacious.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 piano fitness is better feeling with 2020s Vision

2020 Visions are becoming more real every day.  Feeling better includes a lot of hard work-physical therapy with blood flow restriction, - 75 osteoarthritis treatments since 11/2/18. went live 200901 

parasympathetic lifestyle promotes better feeling.  that is learning to listen to your body so you feeling better physically.  when anxieties from muscle tension, over active mind or wound up emotions are consciously released you're aware of better feeling within and physically in the body.  happy to be feeling better about better feeling.

the fingerprint bulls eye awakens the sense of feeling in the mind and mind mapping the brain body connection is engaged.

resistance is a life constant.  managing the resistance of the key is the pianist's life.  managing life's automatic resistance is constant and  universal.  avoiding resistance is futile if better feeling is the goal.

once resistance is addressed, inertia gives way to forward movement in the mind and body and all of life.

recognizing that feeling anxious is resistance's calling card, the mind's ability opens up to a create a successful management plan to reduce anxieties rather than ignore or unrealistically believe anxiety can be eliminated.

201031- feeling better on Halloween I first observed the way the leader and 2 were connecting to the 3 key  levels felt differently to me.  the map from fingertips to heart engine felt more connections physically with sternoclavicular joints activating the scapular humeral glide essential for fluidity both physically and musically.

while piano fitness' essentials are still in development, piano fitness' mechanics manages the physical body and piano fitness' meditation manages the mind.  

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

200603 Current Events

Piano Fitness has currents of energy included in pure awareness. The Head Engine, fueled by the Mind, maps the sequence of muscular contractions and releases throughout the whole body with specificity of Heart Engine receiving and delivering intended impulses through awareness of 3 key levels throughout the level playing field.

Resistance in the Mind to allow mental and physical changes must be acknowledged and managed.
Resistance in the Body felt as inertia must be released and redirected toward ease of natural balanced movement.

Rehearsing intended delivery and intended release of mass through the key as the ultimate muscular development of the finest motor skills is Piano Technic. Observing this interaction of man and machine allows for understanding Sound Feeling 2 ways.  The Current goes both ways.  The signal from and back to the Mind is clear when there is no perceived resistance physically, only the Key’s inertia accelerated as initially intended.

These Current Events happen sub consciously after conscious muscular rehearsal of clearest signals becomes automatic.


Piano Fitness is Current

Monday, June 1, 2020

200601 Piano Fitness' Practice Fundamentals

Piano Fitness' Piano Fundamentals

Infinite Awareness Includes Intentions:

7 SEC 3X3X3 Balance Elements


My Infinite Awareness balances Stable, Intuitive Truth with My Powerful, Creative Heart.

Feeling Balanced - Tightrope Eyes closed and breathe !

Hip Engine=Ray Charles legs
Heart Engine=2 Way Head/Hand Connections
Head Engine=Mindful Rhythmic Breath

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

200527 PiFiMe

Piano Fitness Meditation is PiFiMe

Since my Mind fuels my Head Engine, meditation* is the natural way to connect to the creative energy essential for developing the Performer’s Mindset.  The 7 Spinal Energy Centers - SEC- seek 3x3x3 balances:

3 Engines:  Hips Heart Head
3 Planes
3 ROM**

Intended Infinite Awareness observes the balance  of the Stable, Intuitive Truth in the Engines of the Hips and Head with the Powerful Creative Heart Engine in every breath.
Earth connections through the feet on the floor, the hips on the bench and the players on the key field are  intended from lightest to heaviest from all 3 perspective of the key:  Surface, POS***, Bed

*watching myself breath
**Range of Motion
***Point of Sound

200515 New 2020s Vision

Piano Fitness is Visionary

Watching the physical changes evolve  with scapular/numeral gliding initiated at the heart engine is expanding awareness daily.  L2M connection is improving.

Chopin Etudes with evolving piano fitness includes the miyagi technic for every note.  Day to day, step by step progress can not be hurried.  Impatience promotes resistance.  The War of Art battle continues.

200514. 100th dematerialized

Piano Fitness is evolving.

Acknowledging that mom’s 100th will not be a memorial recital, the next recital is evolving.
Change is welcomed for new vision.
Recordings of Vincent and Reverie with strings and videos  to be YouTubed ASAP

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


piano fitness starts up with the head engine.

time to reboot and reset habitual defaults mindfully back to balance.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


piano fitness is the right tight.

stable core  activates 20% power minimum for 3 way balanced hip engine on the earth through the bench and the feet on the earth through the floor.
heart engine balances when the fingertips, on the earth through the keys, connect pob to surface, pos and keyed as intended by the head engine.

the mind maps the three engines and their connections to the earth and delivers intended mass through pos/pob.  stable creativity in the hip engine powers up the heart engine to reproduce the intended sound in the head engine.

the fluidity of the balanced body is determined by muscular contraction in the correct places for support of the 3 engines.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

200229 Leaping into Piano Fitness

Piano Fitness is improving parasympathetic awareness.

since 1/23/2020 the map to the 2nd fingers staying flexed by observing a different hand posture in relation to the leader to the rest of the fingers has been steadily improving.

today, with the inclusion of the chinese medicine channels for each finger

leader- lungs
2nd - large intestine - creativity
middle- paracardium - heart protector
4th - fluidity- lymphatic system- fluid balance
helper- heart/small intestine

the mind maps the body connections consciously with breath and 4 counts

playing the piano is the perfect balance of the human machine connecting to the most complex human powered machine.
the mind maps at the point of sound (count 4) with the point of balance (parasympathetic awareness) at fingertip connections.

starting with breath awareness at this pos/pob connection:

count 1 releases whole arm into keyed
count 2 awareness of pob on keyed
count 3 release to key surface of next hand position
count 4 awareness of pos/pob in this hand position.

beginning with helpers on lowest and highest notes-port te bra position # 1 on the piano playing field.
repeat 4 count pattern with both arms inward until position #22 -the middle of the piano (E/F) and then outward to position #1.

find the position that is most comfortable for each armii- it may not be the same for both sides
with eyes closed, 3rd eye observations of breath and 4 count connections for all 22 position inward and outward,

the fundamental intention-make NO SOUND AT ALL !

pure awareness of parasympathetic nervous system includes all points where the body is connected to the earth-

I am still learning to listen