Friday, May 31, 2019

190531 #2 piano fitness' heart zone

stable creativity connects to the powerful  heart when the activated core lifts the power sec up to the back body, elevating the ribs, lengthening the waist  and  balancing the front/back heart zone.  the hip zone in the lower body maintains 3 balances while providing support for 3-way balance for the other 2 zones in the upper body. 

the heart sec gives and receives through the 3-way balanced thoracic spine.  the heart sec connects to the hands through the sterno-clavicular joints at the top-middle of the chest.  the thoracic spine receives the weight of the connected hands/heart delivered  to the heart through the clavicle into the sternum and via all the ribs. the thoracic spine also receives the weight of the 3-way balanced head through the cervical spine in the neck.  it is essential for all delivered weight to be received by the front, not back, of the spine.

as the thoracic spine is 3-way balanced, the heart zone moves freely front/back and side/side.  from the heart zone, the mind's intended weight is delivered down through the key's point of sound and creates the mind's intended sound.  

activate awareness of the 3rd balance - the heart centered between hips and head for bottom to top balance.  a  powerfully balanced heart both gives and receives, in the present moment, when creating music.  we can intend to literally play from the heart.