Friday, May 31, 2019

190531 #2 piano fitness' heart zone

stable creativity connects to the powerful  heart when the activated core lifts the power sec up to the back body, elevating the ribs, lengthening the waist  and  balancing the front/back heart zone.  the hip zone in the lower body maintains 3 balances while providing support for 3-way balance for the other 2 zones in the upper body. 

the heart sec gives and receives through the 3-way balanced thoracic spine.  the heart sec connects to the hands through the sterno-clavicular joints at the top-middle of the chest.  the thoracic spine receives the weight of the connected hands/heart delivered  to the heart through the clavicle into the sternum and via all the ribs. the thoracic spine also receives the weight of the 3-way balanced head through the cervical spine in the neck.  it is essential for all delivered weight to be received by the front, not back, of the spine.

as the thoracic spine is 3-way balanced, the heart zone moves freely front/back and side/side.  from the heart zone, the mind's intended weight is delivered down through the key's point of sound and creates the mind's intended sound.  

activate awareness of the 3rd balance - the heart centered between hips and head for bottom to top balance.  a  powerfully balanced heart both gives and receives, in the present moment, when creating music.  we can intend to literally play from the heart.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

190529 #1 piano fitness' hip zone

at the perineum the 4 layers of abdominals meet.   these muscles in the pelvic floor lengthen and shorten (the 2 properties of muscles).  breathing in  lengthens the muscles as they drop down and spread the sitz bones apart. breathing out shortens the muscles as they lift up.  observing softness in the perineum throughout the full breath cycle,  the stability sec initiates the bottom to top balance of the hips on the bench - their connection to the earth.  breathing into the hips fully will lengthen all the abdominal layers in all directions from pelvic floor to below the ribs. 

observing just below the navel, the 4th deepest abdominal layer, the transverse, opening and closing like an elevator door.  "hip" breathing with the abdominals activates the creativity sec and establishes core support necessary for receiving the delivered weight of the entire spine. now at the sitz bones, include front/back and side/side balances in the hips for 3-way balance awareness.  this is lower body strength engaging about 20% energy.

stable creativity is activated as the hip zone balances all three ways through the sitz bones.

Monday, May 27, 2019


"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."  George Bernard Shaw

piano fitness' postural fundamentals originate from the 7 spinal energy centers, or sec, found in the three zones of the body.  the hips and heart include 2 secs each, the head 3 secs.  the self, with the mind, can choose to observe the energy of life travel up the front spine and down the back spine with each breath.   the spine is designed to receive and deliver the weight of the head, heart and hips into the FRONT of the spine seeking balance. when balancing these 3 zones three ways (bottom/top, front/back, side to side)  the mind connects through the brain into the body's two nervous systems:

sympathetic - fight or flight mode
para-sympathetic - rest and digest mode

activating awareness of these 2 nervous systems infinitely improves with MINDFUL BREATHING.
mindful breathing creates awareness of learning to listen WITH the brain/body connection.  with this awareness we become conscious of the tight sympathetic muscles which are promoting imbalance in the whole body.  sympathetic muscles unconsciously waste the body's energy holding this tension.
mindful breathing through the brain/body connection observes the muscles releasing tension and results in changing both the mind and body at the same time, while simultaneously freeing the energy for mindfully finding the 3 balances in the 3 zones and activating the parasympathetic nervous system to promote balanced soft strength.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

190524 piano fitness' changing freely

progress requires change,  piano fitness is a tool to identify what needs changing.

the mind will definitely change.  the body will change as the mind directs.
listening to the body will reveal where muscles are sympatheticaly engaging allowing the mind watched breath to move toward parasympathetic release.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

190523 piano fitness' flexibility

Flexibility is essential for life.  progress is made then the mind changes by moving forward.
thinking fast is part of training the mind to see and think ahead simultaneously.

190522 piano fitness' consistency

consistency is best and always the goal.  intentions help map the plan for each composition or section.

Monday, May 20, 2019

190520 piano fitness' persistence

mindful persistence pays off.  each repetition is intended as fresh first time because it is the only time it will be exactly this way.  since the human machine connect to the human powered music machine, i create the connection of my mind to intend all the levers in my body to manipulate the levers in the piano which becomes- music as sound in motion...

Saturday, May 18, 2019


piano fitness is persistence

music moves forward as sound in motion
with persistence awareness expands and life moves forward toward balance

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

190509 piano fitness' postural fundamentals

piano fitness includes all postural fundamentals

Hip Zone:

Stable Creativity
  pelvic floor connects abdominal walls 20% for core stability

Heart Zone:
  Creative Powerful Hearts deliver and receive through hands at sternoclavicular joints

Head Zone
  Intuitive Truth of Infinite Awareness within the Mind 

Performance is Musical Meditation
  In the present moment
Piano Performance 
  The Human Machine connects to the most complex Human Powered Machine to create Music

Music is Sound in Motion

190514 celebrating mindful breathing

piano fitness is celebration !

with pfpf in place, enjoy the progress forward.  the mind expanding infinite awareness to include more is the reason for celebrating.  changes are being observed daily.

mindful breathing

4 sided breath up front and down back spine
4 counts each side

up counts inhale/hold:
1 - stable creativity includes 3 balances
2 - powerful heart includes fingers aware of 4 sweet spots in keys
3- intuitive truth actives
4- infinite awareness

down counts exhale/hold:
1-activated awareness delivers weight to front spine
2-head and cervical spine forward of plumb line
3-heart includes arm and shoulder weight delivered to front thoracic spine behind plumb line
4-hips includes plumb lined lumbar spine and core engagement


piano fitness is silent piano awareness

the feeling of playing is obscured by the sound

balancing the use of all bones and the muscles that move the bones.

the crossover syndrome for left hip and right shoulder improves by including both at the same time.
activated awareness continuously increases.

Monday, May 6, 2019


piano fitness is commitment to refreshment.

each rehearsal is a fresh start.  renewing the mind with each repetition.  setting an intention for every rehearsal with the 3rd eye.   avoiding mindless repetitions as highest priority.

190504 piano fitness' star wars

piano fitness- may the force be with you

force = mass X acceleration - the foundation for creating sound at the piano
the mind connects the human machine to the sound machine through the point of sound.  developing awareness of feeling with the silent piano proves to be invaluable.

Chopin 25.11r 1-40

Saturday, May 4, 2019

190502 piano fitness 2020 vision recital

piano fitness is 3rd eye vision.

my 2020 vision intention is fast fingers.

today, awareness begins to integrate the many concepts brewing the last years and includes the newest resources:  Sound in Motion and With My Own Two Hands.  both books recommended on my easter Portland trip.

Music is Sound in motion.  Hanway's "getting over the bar line" concept revisited.
"practicing like a pro" concept  of learning everything up to tempo if even only a few measures or less per session makes steady progress and trains the 3rd eye to observe oneself "playing".  

the silent piano is more beneficial than hearing because it reveals the feeling of playing without being "distracted" by the sound.  seemingly illogical, but nonetheless mind changing.

fresh perspective is essential for growth and change.

Chopin Etude 10.5

Thursday, February 28, 2019

190228 piano fitness realized 2020 vision happy new you....

piano fitness is soft flexed 2.

much of the same for the new year since cortot and rational principles keyboard gymnastics.
throughout February 2's have been in abundance. on this last day of the 2nd month of 2019, soft flexion of 2 found a brand new sweet spot of balance on its tip. never felt better.

2020 vision