Wednesday, June 3, 2020

200603 Current Events

Piano Fitness has currents of energy included in pure awareness. The Head Engine, fueled by the Mind, maps the sequence of muscular contractions and releases throughout the whole body with specificity of Heart Engine receiving and delivering intended impulses through awareness of 3 key levels throughout the level playing field.

Resistance in the Mind to allow mental and physical changes must be acknowledged and managed.
Resistance in the Body felt as inertia must be released and redirected toward ease of natural balanced movement.

Rehearsing intended delivery and intended release of mass through the key as the ultimate muscular development of the finest motor skills is Piano Technic. Observing this interaction of man and machine allows for understanding Sound Feeling 2 ways.  The Current goes both ways.  The signal from and back to the Mind is clear when there is no perceived resistance physically, only the Key’s inertia accelerated as initially intended.

These Current Events happen sub consciously after conscious muscular rehearsal of clearest signals becomes automatic.

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